Tuesday 23 April 2024

Rabbit Holes In Quilty Quarters

I'll bet it's happened to you too.You have sooooo much to do but can't decide where to start? So you make coffee and look on t'Interweb! Crazy? One click leads to another and, before you know it, an hour has passed and you've added 6 more projects to your list that's already reaaaaaallly long enough and that's what got you down the rabbit hole in the first place, ha!
I see an interesting design and try to figure out how it was done. Then, I purchase the quilt pattern PDF to see whether I was right. I think it's only fair to purchase the pattern, even though I could make it without as the designer deserves all credit. But, for this Rabbit Hole Quilt, the designer used a completely different method which was interesting, She, Erica, didn't call it a Rabbit Hole Quilt though, I did that all by my very own self! Link to The Libby Quilt.

Intrigued, with enough things waiting to be worked on, I started choosing fabrics and chopping them up. I thought I would take them, pre-kitted up, on the next retreat BUT, something came over me and before I knew it

I had finished!!!
These are all Alison Glass fabrics. A Fat Quarter of each colour is sufficient. Don't you love the woven design? Obviously you need more of the background fabric, half a metre. I have to warn you that all of the edges are on the Bias which means they can very easily distort. So, lick-etty-split, I stitched borders on to prevent trouble happening. Well, then I couldn't stop could I?

I had it sandwiched the next day and, after finishing the Tomte quilt I told you about yesterday, I started on my chosen quilting design. This project is the reason I was in such a 'hurry' to get the binding done on Tomte. And now I have the fabrics all ready for another quilt so I want to finish quilting this one so I can do that, good grief, I might need to go into rehab!

Once again The Libby Quilt pattern link
I made the Baby size and added wide borders, you will see why I did that soon.
There is a typo in the cutting chart but it's just that you need to cut 3 squares to cut into 6 background triangles, no-one can make 6 triangles from 2 squares.  
Apart from that it all went together, creamy-dreamy.
Right, back to my quilting!

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