Garen found this idea for machine quilting one day. She couldn't resist trying it out for herself and made this cut little quilt....
Stitch number 4 on a Bernina but adjusted stitch length. It caused quite a sensation in the quilt cave...
Ursula continued working on the charity stitching, after playing with Garen's new found stitch of course....
Jutta also did some charity stitching and was able to finish the log cabin one that I started on Tuesday, we love the log cabin!! This one only needs a border, we have 8 quilt tops now.
Ana spent most of the day cutting the pieces for a kaleidoscope quilt. She cut 8 pattern repeats enough times to make 20 blocks...
Amalia was working on her Kaleidoscope blocks... more sunflowers! It is difficult sewing with so many bias edges, but with lots of pins .....
Amalia hasn't decided who will be getting this quilt when it is finished, I think her mum has shown great interrest!