Quilty Quarters, Words...
These letters are fun to make but my goodness they make a mess... I've got a very, very messy room now, wooooohooo... do you think that worries me? Heck no!.... I'm going back in there to make more mess, I need a few commas and some full stops and some numbers for the dates... then I will arrange everything to decide whether I will write more stuff... there won't be a label made for this one... twill have all the info right there, boldly on the front.
Just love them! And they are sooooo much fun to make too!
Test 1234 - Birte
Hi Angie, i had trouble to publish my comments as well. I think it has now been fixed - somehow - i don't know what happened - but it seems it works again. love Birte
Too much work for me. Maybe in couple of years time or if I have moved as many places as you are I might start making too
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