Tuesday 5 February 2013

Tote Bags From Charm Packs

Two more finished tote bags, both ladies came to our recent workshop. It's great to see the finished projects and folk are very happy to bring them back to show them off. The best bit is when they come in stuffed full of sewing things and being used... the bags I mean... not the ladies.. he he he
This is Morning Judith's finished, Independence Trail Charm pack, Tote. She's already got number two cut out and ready for the quilting.
I'd like to pause here for a little moment. You must have noticed that this photo hasn't been cropped at all. I almost always crop photos to have you see only the main subject. No-one who comes to either my very own quilt shop or my classroom need ever worry about unflattering photo's of themselves being posted on T'Internet because I "chop 'em off". 
For this picture, there were no 'chop-off-a-bubble' people or things to worry about... and it's such a lovely background, I decided not to crop at all... Doesn't My Very Own Patchwork and Quilting shop look great from this angle...  I am so very proud of it... did I ever mention that? ha ha ha
Afternoon Judith's fabulous Tote bag... she finished the handles during class and took her bag home stuffed with all sorts of stitching paraphernalia! I often wonder what the public in the street think when they see folk to-ing and fro-ing with trolley bags, mat & ruler bags and totes full to bursting?

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