Sunday 19 January 2020

Lynda's Strippy Tote Workshop

I think it's fair to say, I know it really, that everyone enjoyed a fabulous workshop with Lynda... 
The first half hour was a bit manic, as it always with everyone arriving jolly and chatty, if not a little frazzled and unpacking all their sewing paraphernalia, you know... we take less for a two week holiday!!! 
There was such a lovely calm atmosphere... even though the classroom sounded like a bit like a sweatshop once everyone was stripping at the very same time!!! 
Here are the fruits of the day, there are handles too and they will be stitched on at home, there was no-one prepared to do a little racing/ rushing to get them stitched on just for my photos for my very own blog!!! I only have my my very  own shop to make my blog more interesting for you, ha ha ha

This one belongs to Miss Lynda, she made it to inspire!

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