Forsbrook Quilt Group
Joan The Shop is getting on very well quilting her hexagon quilt, she ties the ends off as she goes, do you? I wait until I have ten or so before I do any... I love that plip noise as the knot pops through the fabric.
Brenda made two small sandwiches with her Ohio Star blocks (remember she's making cushions with them?) Then she started working on her very own Mat & Ruler Bag, here she has flipped the top fabric over and is ironing (obviously! duh!!) a good crisp seam ready to do the two rows of stitching at the top of the bag.
This is a project that Joan The Shop has been working on at home, it's going to be huge, which is worrying Joan a little as she quilts the much smaller hexagon one, he he he.... no pain, no gain?
Brenda decided to "Go For It" with the free motion quilting. She got the speed of the foot pedal just right and was moving the fabric at a good pace to get the stitches even in length, she even remembered to breath!!!
This is Brenda's practice cloth, she went straight onto the Mat & Ruler bag sides after this, she enjoyed it a lot, we named her pattern/design... "Coastline" I'll try to get a photo of it next time. She's gone home to practice other designs, as you know, that's the only thing she needs now.We meet again next Friday, 16th April, 10am - 3pm (or 4pm if we forget to look at the time, he he he)
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