Caverswall Quilt Cave
Woooohoooo, 10 ladies! We are so happy in our new Quilt Cave. The room buzzing with chatter, revving machines, rotary slicing and clicking (I love the clicketty bumps, you know, when the blade is closed and the cutter is laid down on the table!... is it weird to like sounds like that?) tea spoons clinking on cups etc. love it, love it, love it! Next week I'll put out extra tables, extra electric extensions, extra chairs, extra cups..... it's a big quilty party!
Joan The Shop is working on this king size quilt for a family member. It's going to be 100" x 108". Joan has used Quiltville's Chunky Churndash blocks with a setting from Katherine Guerrier book, Scrap Quilt Sensations. We measured up only to find that more blocks are needed to get up to the right size, which was a little disappointing as Joan thought she had finished the centre..... I bet they are done by next week!
Barbie completed her Rail Fence quilt centre and added borders. A lovely rich red to highlight some of the main fabric colours which was followed by a 4" border of the playful cat fabric. I showed Barbie that we measure for borders through the centre of the quilt and not along the edges, here she is "testing my point" ha ha ha, the edges were a little longer than the centre you see.
Brenda Barbara is back from her holidays. She got on very well making all of these Chunky Chrurndash blocks during the day... this is the most production we ever saw from our Brenda!.. so that holiday has done her good..... She even managed to use only ONE table for the whole day... plus most of the stage! ha ha ha
Helen, who is Joan The Shop's daughter, used one of the Bernina Aurora babies to applique this Fat Cat. Never having used a machine before, Helen did a great job. The machine was set for blanket stitch on super slow, which helps her to get it all accurate, there's no point in rushing these things, it's all about the pleasure of the making! She is going to use the left over fabric to piece an interesting backing ready for next time... a sandwich and the quilting!
4 new ladies arrived unexpectedly... after a little rushing round on my part, organising more tables, sockets and machines, borrowing equipment setting them up, they soon settled in. Lauren and Gloria, another mother and daughter team, decided to work on a joint Rail Fence project, they did very well, everything pieced together lovely. They completed the top center together... borders next time.
Rachel on the left and her daughter, right obviously,... completed their Rail Fence quilt tops. This is also a mother and daughter team, it's so cool to have mothers and daughters playing together and being creative. That's Rachel's second quilt, she made a blue one last week, I do declare that she could possibly be addicted! he he he
Dotty Maureen worked on this bag.... I will try to cut a long story short now.... Messy Maureen had rather a lot of this blue fabric given to her. All of her projects have this fabric in them and she is tired of seeing it, so... Dotty Maureen bought a big piece from her, to help use it up. This thrilled Messy Maureen, who had been heard saying... "I'll use another piece of this 'bloody' blue" ha ha ha. Dotty has decided to make this bag in 'that bloody blue' as a gift for Messy Maureen! ha ha ha, I can't wait to see her face when she sees it!
Joan The Shop brought in this Log Cabin top that she was working on last week. She has added sashing and corner stones, doesn't it look fabulous! I want to remind you that Joan has only been a patchwork and quilting addict since January this year!! There is no stopping this lady, a real "one woman" production line, ha ha haThere was another lovely new lady, Ann, she did lovely cutting and piecing too but I didn't get a photo of her work, next time I will.
The pictures are not brilliant, I know, but they were snapped in such a hurry as I was busy, busy... helping all the lovely ladies..... there is such a lot to learn in the first week or two. I might have to promote someone to Camera monitor if we continue to have this much fun eh!
I just love reading your blog!! I'm starting to feel as if I know each one of you!! You all do such great work - and wow! what a great room to create in... beats my little backroom sewing studio:-) {I use the word "studio" very loosely!!!}
Carry on creating!!
Lindos trabalhos.Adoro patchwork.
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