Alton Quilters
Last time we met we decided to start a 'Round Robin', just like the one we did as a group in Portugal. We were supposed to bring in a 4 1/2" block, in a brown envelope, each. One lady found a block she already had made in the past, three of us made our blocks at the last minute, that very morning, two ladies completely forgot and one lady didn't come to the meeting. Only one of us had a brown envelope.... Not looking good... So we have postponed the first swap, which is just as well because I had made only a 4" block, not big enough!! duh!
This is a terrible picture, I got the setting wrong on my camera, with that I mean that I had knocked it from the automatic setting... he he he, anyway, I'm posting it only to show you how good the light is on a Bernina Aurora baby. This is Jenny who spent the entire two hour meeting perfecting her free motion quilting. She really struggled at the last meeting but this week, something clicked... she was drawing flowers, leaves, rainbows... practice really makes perfect!
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